Saturday, December 28, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing - the Importance of Noting
centerbDiscuss The Importance Of Noting In Much Ado About Nothing/b/center br brNoting, or observing, is central to many of the ideas in Much Ado About Nothing. The word nothing was pronounced as noting in Elizabethan times, and it seems reasonable to presume that the pun was intended by Shakespeare to signal the importance of observation, spying and eavesdropping in the play. As a plot device, these occurrences propel the action and create humour and tension. The perils of noting incorrectly are portrayed and this leads naturally to the investigation of another major theme, the discrepancy between appearance and reality. Shakespeare uses the problems of illusion, deception and subjectivity of perception to examine the†¦show more content†¦He can not note Heros flesh and blood humanity and, later, he can not note her innocence. His devotion to courtly ideals seems to be the real reason he can not distinguish appearance from reality and Don Johns slander only reinforces his natural misogyny and mistrust. This inability to note things correctly due to d eception helps demonstrate the gap between appearance and reality in Messina society. br brThe subjectivity of perception creates problems in the patriarchal, Messina society. Why are some of the characters in Messina perceptive and others not? It appears that Shakespeare is making a damning observation of Elizabethan society. During the dramatic denunciation scene, only Friar Francis, Beatrice and Benedict correctly perceive Heros innocence. Friar Francis states this clearly: br noting of the lady. brI have marked brA thousand blushing apparitions not my age, brMy reverence, calling nor divinity, brIf this sweet lady lie not guiltless here, brUnder some biting error br4.1. 150-162 br brLeonato, however, can not perceive the innocence of his own daughter. He immediately sides with Claudio and Don Pedro and notes that they would not lie: br brWould the two princes lie, and Claudio lie, brWho loved her so, that speaking of her foulness, brWashed it with tears? Hence from her, let herShow MoreRelated Much Ado About Nothing - The Importance Of Noting Essay1155 Words  | 5 Pages Discuss The Importance Of Noting In Much Ado About Nothing Noting, or observing, is central to many of the ideas in Much Ado About Nothing. The word nothing was pronounced as noting in Elizabethan times, and it seems reasonable to presume that the pun was intended by Shakespeare to signal the importance of observation, spying and eavesdropping in the play. As a plot device, these occurrences propel the action and create humour and tension. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Argument Paper About Gay Marriage - 2151 Words
Argument paper about Gay Marriage Abstract Marriage: a legally recognized relationship, set up by common or religious function, between two individuals who expect to live respectively as sexual and residential accomplices. Regularly this is between a man and a woman, in incredibly, before their families, to vow to spend whatever remains of their lives together. As times keep on evolving far and wide so has the thought and laws concerning marriage. Marriage is no more pretty much a man and a woman committing themselves to each other forever, it now envelops, gay and lesbians also, as they promise to love, respect, and trust each other all the times of their lives. Same-sex marriage, likewise ordinarily alluded to as Gay marriage, is a fervently issue that partitions an awesome number of individuals all through the world. In this pugnacious exposition, the subject is investigated by three of its fundamental contentions. The principal investigation of this point will include the capacity of same-sex couples to parent as adequate ly as their heterosexual partners. Next, the legitimate issues encompassing same-sex marriage are investigated. Ultimately, the religious contentions are assessed. Both sides of the contention for and against same-sex marriage are talked about while the per user is given an admiration for the position of supporting marriage equality. Same-Sex Marriage Gay marriage is a standout amongst the most dubious issues in the present day world. For as far back asShow MoreRelatedShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized in the United States Essay1399 Words  | 6 PagesDebate Paper Should same sex marriage be legalized in the United States? In some of our states laws have already been passed to allow same sex couples the freedom to get married, while other states are still resisting for one reason or another. 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Suggesting that same-sex marriage should not have been a political issue and proposing the abolition of marriage denies the LGBT communityRead MoreThe Right For Same Sex Couples Should Be Protected Under The Constitution1041 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Since the beginning of the Obama administration, the Gay Rights Movement has been a prominent topic in America because of it’s many victories including Congress’ decision to expand the definition of hate crimes to include sexual orientation and the repeal of â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†in 2010. In 2014, the right for same-sex couples to marry became protected under the Constitution, which marked the achievement of the Gay Rights Movement most important goal (Berman, 2014). Still, due toRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1480 Words  | 6 PagesNew World Dictionary defines the word married as being husband and wife, yet there are millions of gay activists who are fighting for a new meaning. They believe marriage is more than a piece of paper and a set of rings. The hope is that marriage could be defined as a â€Å"public recognition of a private commitment†or â€Å"emotional, financial, and psychological bond†between two people (Sullivan 53). Gay activists believe that taking away the ability to have a publicly recognized relationship or an acceptedRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?935 Words  | 4 PagesThere is a lot of controversy about gay marriage and whether or not it should be legalized in certain states that haven t yet legalized it. My opinion on this topic is that it should not be legalized for various reasons. My reasons on this have nothing to do with religion because religion shouldn’t have anything to do with their opinion; religion is a biased opinion because of its authenticity. Another thing that shouldn’t be considered is their opinion that doesn’t have a reasoning behind it likeRead MoreShould Gays Be Allowed to Marry1476 Words  | 6 PagesThe Prusuit of Happiness! Should gays be allowed to marry? Stacey Dockery PHI103: Informal Logic (GSJ1231E) Instructor Name: Daniel Beteta September 3, 2012 Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Marriage: a legally recognized relationship, established by civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners. Typically this is between a man and a woman, in love, as they come before their families, to pledge to spend the rest of their lives togetherRead MoreA Closer Look at Same Sex Relationships Essays936 Words  | 4 PagesUnfortunately same sex couples are being denied these rights in about thirty three U.S states. IV. Today, I am going to illustrate the reasons why same sex marriage should be legal. And why a topic that has been discussed so many a times needs to be addressed holistically so that all of America can enjoy equal liberties. TRANSTION-Opposition nowadays towards same sex marriage is outdated and irrelevant. Body I. People who are against gay marriage typically argue that homosexual couples are unsuitable parents
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Rogerian Argument for The Lottery Essay Example For Students
Rogerian Argument for The Lottery Essay Letter from Mrs. Hutchinson to The Council of the Village: I am writing to you about the lottery which we hold every year. In this lottery which a person is chosen at random and is stoned to death. I understand that you believe that since it has been tradition for so long and therefore, it is okay. It has been going on for as long as I can remember. This method has been around since the time when Jesus walked the earth. We see it in all kinds of stories in the Bible. We definitely have to pick somebody in the village for the lottery. We have to have s person that we know or the crops might go bad. The idea of a lottery makes it fair for all those who participate. This way there is no one person that is singled out of the group. It also brings a sense of family values, at least in my family. With all everyone in my family being so busy it is very rare that all the members of my family are together for any reason of the lottery. It is amazing the way that all the families come together in anticipation. In this right, it also gives our village a sense of community and brings us closer together. Everybody knows everybody and the lottery draws us yet closer together. It is very rare to see a whole community come together and I am glad to be part of one that does. Leadership is a quality the men in out village have. The reason they have this quality is due to the men taking charge and picking for their families in the lottery. If the did not pick something could go wrong with the crops. Once the whole lottery is all over the crops will be better off according to the superstition. This helps the village from running out of food, and I do not want to see my family starving to death. Though it is a tradition that has been around for ages, the lottery is just not right. I find it to be quite immoral. By killing mothers and fathers of children, or even worse taking children from their parents in such a horrible way, hurts those that are affected. This breaks up families and hurts all of those in the family that is chosen. If the husband or father of a family is selected, the family is going to be hurt very badly financially. Think of all of your loved ones. The idea of losing a family member to an illness is hard enough, but losing a family member to something that can be totally prevented would hurt worse. Other towns in the area have stopped the lottery. The crops in the other towns have been larger than ours since they have stopped their lotteries. It has been this way because they had more people to do the harvesting. The lottery is out of date and not meant for todays society. Stoning people to death was frowned upon in the past and I believe it should still be that way. Killing people this way also breeds violence in our community. Children collecting rocks in the town square in anticipation of being the one to give the fatal blow to the unlucky person drawn. Guarding their piles of rocks so that they can be the person to throw the most stones. This is so scary to think of innocent children being so cruel. This method of population control just plain hurts. Stoning people to death is cruel and unusual punishment. I believe that compromise is vital to the health of the community. .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f , .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .postImageUrl , .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f , .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:hover , .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:visited , .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:active { border:0!important; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:active , .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u73b4bf1f5a1fd426106c9916b794997f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Stuck In The Middle Essay Death is an extremely drastic measure of population control. There are other options that I would like to bring to the attention of the council. Instead of a person being killed I believe that he or she could become an outcast for a year or so. This way the person is out of the town and is no longer overpopulating our community, or we could have the family which draws the black dot to move away. This will give more room for other families to move in, or even more land for farming. We could even come up with a brand new tradition. The council in office can go down in history for being the council that came up with a new tradition .
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Organization Behavior and Business Communication
Question: Discuss about the Organization Behavior and Business Communication and identify the best practices of the company and develop a model. Answer: Introduction The following section is going to make an in depth review of varied literatures regarding internal communications that affect organizational structure as well as culture. More precisely, the following discourse is going to select an individual organization, which has recognizable internal communication strategies and organizational structure. It is required to mention here that the chosen topic for the paper has been organization structure and design in the context of internal communication. The motive will be here to identify any recent changes going within the selected organization and recognize any particular issues regarding the premise of organizational internal communication and organizational structure. With the help of emphasizing on existing models, concepts and theoretical perceptions regarding internal communication and organizational structure, the present paper is going to develop a conceptual model of internal communication. In this context, it is significant to mention that the prime objective of establishing a conceptual model of internal communication and organizational structure is to solve the identified issues or difficulties that the considered organization is presently encountering in the field of stakeholder or internal communication. Therefore, in order to accomplish the aforementioned purpose, the paper has chosen the Australian giant retailer Woolworths. Following the above-mentioned objective, the paper is going to establish a coherent rationale for selecting the considered organization and thereafter will elaborate the background information of Woolworths. At the same time, current organizational practice and recent changes taking place in the enterprise will also be emphasized and evaluated. Through this way, the paper would identify and denote issues regarding internal communication and finally will cumulate all the necessary theoretical underpinnings regarding internal communication. The paper will finally culminated in making a conceptual and convenient model for mitigating the organizational issues. In this respect, it should be mentioned that the phrase internal communication is known to be a transmission of organizational information between organizational stakeholders (Argenti, 2015). Background information and recent changes in Woolworths Among other organizations with retail interest, Woolworths is known to be the best. The enterprise is considered as the second largest organization by the rate of revenue in Australia. In the market, the only potential competitor of Woolworths is known to be the Perth-based conglomerate Wesfarmers. On the other hand, it has been found that Woolworths has successfully won the place of largest takeaway liquor store in the territory. In terms of size, the organization has the number of employee of 202,000 and the gross revenue of the organization until 2016 has been a$59 billion (, 2017). The grandeur of Woolworths operation is not only limited to supermarket retailing, as the organization has stores of Petrol, liquor, general merchandise, hotel and gambling and home improvement (Bolton, 2015). It has been found out that the organization has more than 3000 stores with more than 29 million customers across the world. In this respect, it is essential to mention that the organizations culture and policies are largely influenced by the organizations goal or mission to win the position of being number one across all other brands (, 2017). Following the particular organizational goal, the organization believes in making a well-integrated team of internal stakeholders. The organization believes that it is essential to acquire support of the team members and suppliers first prior to integrate support of the customers (King Thobela, 2014). Most significantly, the organization believes that to dodge the competition, it is necessary to improve the shopping experience of the target market and therefore team focus is something that the organization desires to accomplish through their organizational structure. Currently, the considered organization is going through some significant changes in the organization structure as the organization has recently employed Brad Banducci for the post of managing director. Due to managerial changes, the organization has incorporated changes in internal communication strategy in terms of organizational structural change. The organization has previously faced issues regarding poorly maintained organizational structure and internal communication (Spillan Ling, 2015). However, following the spectacular managerial change in the enterprise, the organization has changed the existing way of internal communication and has decided to become more customer-centric. Nevertheless, it should be denoted that in terms of change, the organization is planning for overhauling the reward or loyalty programs for its customers. Rationale for selecting Woolworths The retail giant Woolworths has been chosen due to the reason that the organization is currently going through some changes in the organizations structure due to leadership changes and high revenue and share market loss. Therefore, the considered topic, which is organizational structure and design possibly, has a relationship with the considered organizations current situation. On the other hand, it is say that internal communication refers to successful transmission of information among the internal stakeholders, which cannot be fruitfully accomplished without a proper and well-maintained organizational structure and design. Understandably, the organization is going through unstable condition of internal communication as well. However, another reason for considering the retail organization Woolworths is, instead of suffering through a long-term managerial instability, Woolworthss revenue margin and brand recognition is still maintaining its position to be the second market leader in the market front of Australian after Wesfarmers. Therefore, internal communication issues and its impact on the organizational structure of an organization like Woolworths, which has recently gone through huge management changes is justified. Practice of Woolworths regarding organizational structure Prior to elaborate the existing organizational structure and internal communication method of the considered organization Woolworths, it is essential to point out that for giant international organizations like Woolworths, it is essential to break the organization in several parts and distribute the responsibilities equally (, 2017). It has been found out that the considered enterprise Woolworths has been fundamentally following the hierarchical or divisional organizational structure. As per the reason that in divisional or hierarchical organizational structure, responsibilities of an organization are distributed to several divisions although every subordinate group work under one individual head or authority. However, in this respect it is essential to denote that unfortunately in divisional organizational structure, an organization cannot successfully accomplish a prosperous communication with all the internal stakeholders (, 2017). T he reason behind such possible circumstance is that workers in varied divisions do not work together. However, for a giant international organization like Woolworths, primarily it can be said that selection of the hierarchical or divisional organizational structure is helpful as per the reason that the enterprise works in a large geographical area. It is unfortunate that now most of the business critics are criticizing the individual organization structure of Woolworths to be the main flaw of the enterprise for maximizing the illness of management practice. Current internal communication of Woolworths and its issues Following the organizational structure of Woolworths, it can be therefore said that the organizations long term issue of poorly managed management and communication flaw is justifiable as understandably, following the divisional structure, the organization could not have properly pursued an apt internal communication. Nevertheless, it has been identified that in term of pursuing organizational communication among the internal stakeholders, the retail giant Woolworths has been considering using corporate intranet, newsletters, team meetings and official e-mail (, 2017). Instead of these formal modes of internal communication, according to the current organizational practice of Woolworths, the organization conducts people survey and communication forums with the employees. It has been found out that for individual internal stakeholders, Woolworths has kept different sets of internal communication policies and methods. More precisely, it has been identified that for integrating communication with the service providers or the employees and individual contractors, as per the current practice, the organization shares relevant information as well as pull significant feedbacks. The organization pursues that through both formal and informal and verbal communication. Further, it has been identified that Woolworths pursues ongoing direct as well as indirect communication engagement through electronic and written communication (, 2017). On the other hand, in form of another part of organizational internal communication, the company uses annual general meetings, review of the bi-annual analysts outcomes, analysts meeting in documented form, website updates and sustainability report to communicate with their stakeholders. The aim behind engaging shareholders in the internal communication is to acquire accurate expectation from them and to take approval prior to take any corporal actions (Nijkrake et al., 2015). Nonetheless, it has been identified that for the suppliers, the organization engage in a broad communication process through supplier conference as well as supplier visit and company email in order to discuss about product development, business journey and risk assessment. On the other side, it has been found out that in terms of abiding organizational structure and organizational practice, Woolworths conducts ongoing personal as well as electronic data sharing, franchise satisfaction surveys and franchise meetings for discussing about initiatives and opportunities. Most significantly, it is to say that for the employees, the chief motive behind pursuing internal communication is to discuss about organizations expectation from the employee, employee development programs and any kind of issue an d concern regarding employees. However, it has been understood that instead of having varied practices and ways of integrating internal communication with the help of different convenient communication procedures, Woolworths is found to have a relatively weak internal communication practice (, 2017). The prime reasons behind such a circumstance is found to be lack of engagement from the employees, different cultural backgrounds of the subordinates that are culminating into cultural conflicts and most significantly, lack of proper leadership. Henceforth, it seems that the organizations long running hierarchical structure is not working as per the expectation. However, it has been also understood that the organizations long running managerial dispute is having a long-term and negative impact on the premise of internal communication. Industry internal communication models in the context of organizational structure Prior to elaborate different theoretical underpinning regarding internal communication of business organizations, it is significant to understand organizational structure and its relationship with inter-stakeholder communication. Fundamentally, organizational structure and design can be classified among functional, divisional and matrix type (Ashkenas et al., 2015). However, there is a contradictory percept that says that in terms of organizational structure, line and staff organizational structure and project organizational structure should be also regarded well. In the functional organizational structure, individual departments of an organization is integrated or grouped together for accomplishing organizational goal (Butler Wilson, 2015). However, it is to mention in this context that functional structure does not work well for large business enterprises, which are expanded on a large extent on international premises. Next is the divisional structure, in which an organization for ms different departments based on varied responsibility. It is essential to mention that the bases for establishing different departments are function, product, project, geographic territory and finally combination approach (Fan et al., 2013). The last though not least identifiable and applicable organizational structure and design is known to be the matrix style, which is considered to an amalgamation of the functionalities of functional as well as divisional structure (Guadalupe et al., 2013). More precisely, in the matrix style an organization can integrate its department and can distribute the responsibility into different departments. However, the phrase internal communication is considered to be another name of corporate communication (Krl Krlov, 2016). More specifically, the goal of internal communication is to provide corporate level data to all the subordinates and demand their individual opinion regarding the particular information. The role of internal communication in a business organization is beyond acceptability as the aspect is supposed to be intrinsic to the managerial work (Halter, 2015). Internal communication plays a significant role in determining the performance of an organization. Most importantly, it has been found evident from many researches those say that more than 70% of the change programs fail due to not having a weekly managed internal communication system (Grunig, 2013). However, it is a matter of disappointment that employee relation, which is a integral part of organizational culture, structure and the expected outcome area of internal communication, is undervalued most of the time. According to the human communication theory, in business organizations, in term of internal communication aspects, intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and mediated communication should be pursued (Goodman Hirsch, 2015). It is to regard in this respect that essentially internal communications theoretical underpinnings are related with the concept of organizational management. The concepts of persuasion and processing of information within an organization is highly influenced by individual managerial approach of command and control (Cornelissen, 2014). It can be said that without complete engagement and participation from the management, it is not possible to share information and integrate feedback from all of the internal stakeholders. Therefore, it can be said that individual organizational management is dependent upon individual organizational structure. For example, in hierarchical or divisional organization structure, employees get less chance for communication their side of opinions with the management (Subramanian et al., 2013). It is because in this structure, information flow from top to bottom line of a company is best possible. Organizational structuring type highly influences the decision-making, employee survey, feedbacks and presentation of official documents, which are essentially the areas of internal communication (Lee et al., 2015). Therefore, the aforementioned brief is indicative of the fact that relation between concept of organizational management and internal communication is true and in reality internal communication within an organization give a proper shape to the individual organization structure. Nevertheless, in this context it is essential to mention that the fundamental theoretical underpinning of internal communication says that internal communication in an organization is related with four functional areas- management, efficiency enhancement, image enhancement and human resource functions. Furthermore, for a properly integrated internal organizational communication, sufficient amount of horizontal as well as vertical spread of information is required (Halter, 2015). Therefore, the above-mentioned concept clearly implies that an appropriate integration of internal communication is dependent upon organizational structure, which enables vertical and horizontal spread of corporate data among the internal stakeholders. Development of a conceptual model for recommendations From the above discourse about varied concepts of internal communication and its relation with the organization structure and design and the current organization structure and practice of internal communication of Woolworths, it is understandable that the organization is lacking a suitable organizational structure. It seems that the organization is running with a hierarchical or divisional organizational structure that is not completely supporting the organization to accomplish a proper horizontal and vertical communication within the organization. Most significantly, it is understandable from the present practice that instead of the matter that each individual stakeholder is being engaged in fair corporate communication though employees have relatively less communication with the management. Therefore, a conceptual model in terms of recommendation for mitigating the issue would be the following The above diagram is a supposed model for Woolworths, which the organization can utilize in order to mitigate its structural issue that is harming its leadership and internal communication functions. With the help of matrix organizational structure, the organizations communication with the stakeholders would become flexible, whereas the company would be still maintaining its function through shared responsibility in a wide geographic territory. The conceptual model is indicative of the fact that the structure would accomplish both the vertical and horizontal communication through face-to-face communication along with email, intranet, notice board and news bulletin. Summary From the above discussion, it has been understood that the considered organization Woolworths needs to adopt a firm organizational structure, which is the matrix structure through which the organization can successfully pursue a flexible and satisfactory internal communication. The model has indicated that along with face-to-face communication in terms of having meetings, the organization should use news bulletin, company intranet, email and notice board and company web portal for communicating with internal stakeholders. References Argenti, P. A. (2015).Corporate communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., Kerr, S. (2015).The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure. John Wiley Sons. Bolton, S. (2015). Woolworths workers back at work.Green Left Weekly, (1065), 3. Butler, R., Wilson, D. C. (2015).Managing voluntary and non-profit organizations: Strategy and structure. Routledge. Cornelissen, J. 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