Friday, August 28, 2020
Essay --
Utilizing Xervmon for arranging and provisioning excess over various accessibility zones The expense of vacation Vacation costs ventures cash, in actuality a lot of cash. The genuine expense relies upon the business, however on normal the income misfortunes add up to somewhere in the range of $84,000 and $108,000 for each hour of spontaneous personal time. That isn’t the main misfortune; on to that you have to include the elusive expenses of the effect of personal time on notoriety and dependability. Overseeing personal time There is a major distinction among planned and unscheduled personal time. Planned personal time is important so as to perform support, for example, programming patches, framework setup changes and database and equipment upkeep. Unscheduled vacation happens commonly as the consequence of equipment or programming disappointment or an occasion, for example, a force cut or ecological calamity. High accessibility Structuring a framework for high accessibility is tricky. Expanding framework intricacy builds the quantity of conceivable disappointment focuses. Just introducing inward equipment excess isn’t an answer as it implies that the entire framework must be brought down for upkeep. It is important so plan the framework so it very well may be kept up without influencing administration accessibility. Such an administration instrument needs to fulfill three measures: high accessibility, adaptation to non-critical failure and adaptability. High accessibility suggests that the uptime of an application is 99.9999%, which is frequently named â€Å"five nines†. It compares to a greatest personal time of 5.26 minutes a year which incorporates both arranged and impromptu blackouts or vacation. Obviously a definitive objective is an application that has no personal time at all and is consistently accessible. Xervmon Solution: Users would now be able to release the intensity of pictured arrangements with ... ... have been reestablished. ELB and Auto Scaling join in a perfect world: ELB gives a solitary DNS name for tending to and auto scaling guarantees there is consistently the correct number of sound Amazon EC2 examples to acknowledge demands. Adaptation to internal failure Building flaw lenient applications on Amazon EC2 necessitates that the accepted procedures are followed, for example: †¢ Commission substitution examples quickly †¢ Amazon EBS ought to be utilized for steady stockpiling †¢ Multiple Availability Zones alongside flexible IP addresses. Multi AZ engineering By disseminating applications geologically one can accomplish more noteworthy adaptation to non-critical failure. As the Amazon EC2 duty is 99.95% accessibility for each EC2 Region, it is fundamental to convey applications over various AZs. Repetitive examples are set in unmistakable AZs and ELB will naturally adjust traffic over different cases and various AZs.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Performance Art Essay
Execution craftsmanship is a basically challenged idea: any single meaning of it suggests the acknowledgment of adversary employments. As ideas like â€Å"democracy†or â€Å"art†, it infers profitable conflict with itself. [1] The importance of the term in the smaller sense is identified with postmodernist conventions in Western culture. From about the mid-1960s into the 1970s, regularly got from ideas of visual craftsmanship, concerning Antonin Artaud, Dada, the Situationists, Fluxus, Installation workmanship, and Conceptual Art, execution workmanship would in general be characterized as a direct opposite to theater, testing customary artistic expressions and social standards. The perfect had been a vaporous and bona fide experience for entertainer and crowd in an occasion that couldn't be rehashed, caught or bought. [2] The in this time generally talked about distinction, how ideas of visual expressions and ideas of performing expressions are used, can decide the implications of an exhibition workmanship introduction (analyze Performance: A Critical Introduction by Marvin Carlson, P. 103,2-105,1). Execution craftsmanship is a term normally held to allude to a calculated workmanship which passes on a substance based importance in a more dramatization related sense, as opposed to being straightforward execution for the good of its own for amusement purposes. It generally alludes to an exhibition introduced to a crowd of people, however which doesn't look to introduce a regular showy play or a formal straight account, or which then again doesn't try to delineate a lot of imaginary characters in formal scripted communications. It consequently can incorporate activity or verbally expressed word as a correspondence between the craftsman and crowd, or even disregard desires for a group of people, as opposed to following a content composed in advance. A few sorts of execution craftsmanship by the by can be near performing expressions. Such execution may use a content or make an imaginary sensational setting, yet comprise execution craftsmanship in that it doesn't try to follow the standard emotional standard of making an invented setting with a straight content which follows customary true elements; rather, it would deliberately look to ridicule or to rise above the typical true elements which are utilized in regular showy plays. Execution craftsmen regularly challenge the crowd to think in new and offbeat manners, break shows of customary expressions, and separate traditional thoughts regarding â€Å"what craftsmanship is†. For whatever length of time that the entertainer doesn't turn into a player who rehashes a job, execution craftsmanship can incorporate sarcastic components (look at Blue Man Group); use robots and machines as entertainers, as in bits of the Survival Research Laboratories; include ritualized components (e. . Shaun Caton); or get components of any performing expressions, for example, move, music, and bazaar. A few craftsmen, e. g. the Viennese Actionists and neo-Dadaists, like to utilize the terms â€Å"live art†, â€Å"action art†, â€Å"actions†, â€Å"intervention†(see workmanship mediation) or â€Å"manoeuvre†to depict their performing exercises. As classifications of execution craftsmanship show up body workmanship, fluxus-execution, occurri ng, activity verse, and intermedia.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Heights of Oppression Free Essays
string(145) subject with the issues in the 21st century, I referenced the audits and my own discoveries to academic articles that address the present issues. The hands house cleaner story is dexterously woven book that addresses a lot of issues. In spite of the fact that the book was composed 1985, it has gotten present time applauds that have expanded its deals in the course of recent years. Serializing of the book on film additionally attracted pundits to it as it raised many contacting issues; love, governmental issues, religion, sexual orientation, language and sex among numerous other numerous other contemporary issues that despite everything flash discussions in the 21st century. We will compose a custom article test on Statures of Oppression or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now We should recognize that the essayist utilized fascinating composing styles to plainly delineate the subjects she needed in order to accomplish the prizes of an immortal gem. Redundancy to make accentuation was the fundamental composing gadget. The ongoing purchasers have had the inspiration to gain and read the book in light of the fact that every one of them can at any rate locate a nostalgic issue to interface with from the book. My writing audit will dig into on one topic from the book that will catch the consideration of the majority of the perusers on the grounds that the general public everywhere is by all methods associated with it.I picked the subject of persecution in light of the fact that there a numerous people that will interface with this because of its assorted variety. In this subject are numerous other sub topics that can be elucidated; social abuse, strict mistreatment, financial persecution, sexual orientation persecution among numerous different structures. This paper is to make the crowd mindful of squeezing issue and around them and inspire them to act to free themselves. I will check the impact of my work as indicated by how I will dazzle my crowd. The association that my ideal crowd will feel towards my audit will demonstrate the perspiration I put in it to. I will utilize online surveys to assemble my case and insightful articles demonstrate my point. Significant models with association with the issues around us will be explained in the conversation part of the exploration. First I will expand and give a general significance to the subject at that point express the particular kinds of persecution I will be addressing relying upon how the book has introduced it in its characters and stage setting. The insightful references and online audits will be expressed and I will utilize my own contentions; that I will essentially attract from my way of life to clarify how my general public sees the issue and their ideas or choices they have on it. Where conceivable, I will express the cause of the ideas and what they in the end lead to; either more mistreatment or recovery. My presentation will start with the announcement issue as delineated in the book. That will be trailed by the examination materials and research strategies I used to clarify my topics. At long last, I will clarify the fundamental purpose for my composition and how it will enable the perusers to interface with the ongoing issues. When searching for online audits, ones made by writing educators would be generally ideal. While choosing insightful articles; I will adhere to ones that elucidate to the topic of abuse to keep myself from crashing the topic or my crowd the opportunity of scrutinizing my significance. The connections between the book, the subject being referred to, the audits and insightful articles topped with my sincere feeling about how the general public sees the issue will characterize the believability of my paper. The fundamental goal behind the article is to show the crowd that there exist inconspicuous issues in the general public; ones that occur as a standard and that there are answers for them. This paper truly matters to the general public as it will give a guide on numerous different topics in the book and demonstrate the best approach to freedom from their hopeless norms. IntroductionOppression is the focal topic in the book as it establishes framework to every other fiendishness in the book. Sexism, sex segregation, strict persecution and classism all lay devotion to the topic. The significant piece of the book is a memory of occasions from the hero; Offred. She is giving her take to her new crowd after she fortunately fled the feared city of Gilead. The language she utilizes; gives distinctive picture to the peculiar business as usual she was in. the creators base of accentuation likewise weights on the key subject; abuse. Gilean is a fanciful tyrant city that appeared when there was a critical drop in richness scores and with them a drop of birthrates. The decision class saw it applicable to concoct laws that would class individuals for the jobs they were to do in that purview. Ladies were the primary prey under the paws; they were to carefully tolerate kids. No instruction or employments were given to them as they would present rivalry to men and redirect them from their primary job; proliferation. Margaret’s depiction to them through the hero is; a lot of ovaries enveloping a belly. They were banished from talking liquor, caffeine or nicotine as it would decrease their ripeness. The Catch 22 is that it is ladies other female characters that enjoy mistreating other ladies either to satisfy the system or themselves. The general public has likewise been abused as they have been arranged and shading coded. Various hues determined jobs and power to be utilized over the subject.Research methodQualitative writing examination is the technique I have utilized in the entire research. The characters in the novel handmaid’s story are ones that I have used to extrapolate the topic of persecution. The settings in the book and the state of mind it presents settled on the book a decision as they all mixed fundamentally to the subject being referred to. Cautiously perusing the novel was the initial step. I must be exact in order to take note of the elaborate gadgets utilized and their thought process in either sponsorship or invalidating of the topic. My comprehension of the book was improved by explicit surveys of it that focused the current subject. So as to relate the subject with the issues in the 21st century, I referenced the audits and my own discoveries to academic articles that address the current issues. You read Statures of Oppression in classification Papers Watching the TV arrangement additionally explained my view as it plainly portrayed the circumstance as it was during the scripting of the book. The state of mind, setting and climate set in the film were an away from of the ones in the book. Aside from concentrating on these solitary, I likewise addressed the other primary topic to measure on the off chance that they are the ones that catalyzed the mistreatment or if abuse was the base that every other insidiousness in the book were based on. That I did as such as to cast away the shadow of biasness and depict issues as they were set to be by the writer in an offer to persuade my crowd that the issues in the book were the specific similarity to the issues they faced.ResultsEven from the preface of the book unmistakably mistreatment was the breeze that sails of the indecencies in the book rode on. To be exact, it was sexual orientation mistreatment that lay establishing to the idealistic city and sexism that cleared route for the decision class. My own investigation uncovered that persecution was profound to the point that the people and the general public considered it to be a standard and had no expectation or thought process to recover them by any stretch of the imagination. The investigation put to record that there exist 2 proportions of persecutions; precise mistreatment and individual abuse. Efficient was one forced by the system; the detailed draconian laws and individual abuse was one that the people constrained themselves to accept that what was being done to them was correct and that they better battle with it or hazard a juvenile end. From the discourse and comments that the arrangement got I saw mistreatment was as yet the inside stage in the current social orders. In the book we saw the blacks and the Jews being dealt with uniquely in contrast to the remainder of the decision class; the whites. They even had names labels to allude to them; racial persecution. We see that the laws gigantically disfavored them and they were given the crudest everything being equal and conjured the harshest type of disciplines; demise. Religion was viewed as an impetus to the expanding of them subject and not a friend in need to the circumstance; strict mistreatment. Shading coding was done characterize authority, benefits and jobs. Here I saw no type of insubordination to it and a general public that was dealt with profoundly than the different constantly misused the ones that were underneath it. This treatment and misuse was mitigated to singular level and done in the most smooth and frightful manners; we notice that the characters pondered at themselves for stepping their specialists over others. Contingent upon who was doing the abuse, why it was being done and where it was being done prompted broadening and further grouping of the insidious; autocracy, prejudice, sexism and sycophantism. Those were the specific settings that were depicted in the broadcast arrangement yet it prodded a great deal of pundits that it conjured severe contradiction in individuals. DiscussionIn this part I will be giving my proof in help in the methodical then individual abuse design supported by talks of the characters in the book and indicating the page numbers. I will additionally give my own perspectives about the reason and course of the discourse and the thought process behind it as indicated by the setting and the circumstance the character was in. I will back my case with an insightful article at that point settle this section with how the issues relate in our current society over the globe. Efficient mistreatment was common to the book as it the law of sexual orientation grouping and recommended ladies to conceptive jobs as it were. Ladies were assaulted and the entire thing cherished in the law that shaped ‘The ceremony’. This is the law that offered ascend to handmaids (himberg-2018). Ladies are given no decision as the ‘Aunts’ compel them to concede to the disrespecting tenets or pick between that, demise and the ‘unwomen’. We see the Offred supporting the demonstration by saying â€Å"..nor rapes spread
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay For Scholarship Samples - How To Ensure That You Get The Right One
Essay For Scholarship Samples - How To Ensure That You Get The Right OneWhy are some colleges and universities so demanding when it comes to essays for scholarship samples? There is no doubt that there are some good academic essay writers who are excellent in their work but there are also those who can't produce what they promise to deliver.In the competition of getting scholarship samples, this is the first and foremost thing to check before writing an essay for a scholarship. If you are able to get hold of an essay sample, you should have the confidence to write the essay to earn a college scholarship.Most of the students start looking for essay samples from their friends or colleagues, or from bookstores. However, there are various ways by which students are able to find essay samples.There are several ways through which students can search essay samples from which they can select and read to know about some of the companies that are providing samples. You should read about the fe atures and benefits of the companies offering samples. There are some essay samples that allow you to review the sample and decide if you want to go ahead with it or not.Even if you find the sample that you want to review, you should keep in mind that there are some companies that can only provide the samples to students who belong to certain demographic groups or countries. So you should check on the authenticity of the company that offers the sample.For those who write their own essays, it is always advisable to have a clear idea of the topic of the essay before going ahead with it. You should not just be looking for essay samples for your own use but also for applying for scholarships. Since there are many writing samples in the market, it is necessary to ensure that you get the right one that suits you well.It is true that the written essay is one of the most important factors in attaining scholarship. But to make sure that you are successful with this task, you need to check ou t different essay samples available in the market and select the best one.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Evaluation Of The Joint Commission On The Accreditation Of...
QSEN Essay Paper Teamwork and Collaboration Natalie M. Alvarez Intro to Prof. Nursing NUR3160 Professor Newman November 26, 2014 Introduction According to the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAHO) in July 2004 released a Sentinel Event Alert on the prevention of infant deaths. Its database showed that nearly three-quarters of hospitals cited communication break down and teamwork problems as a major reason for these deaths. The practice of teamwork and collaboration as a unit in patient care is especially important for the role as a professional nurse as it can make the job itself easier and more efficient. When teamwork is emphasized and valued in nursing the overall patient outcome is strongly enhanced. It is crucial all team members involved in the patient’s care work together and communicate effectively to reach the common shared goal. With the vast evolution of new knowledge and information in the medical field, patient care is more complex than ever. With such complex patient care, no one health care provider can treat a patient alone, it takes team work and collaboration between the multip le health care professionals involved in the patient care. Communication competencies should be emphasized to students as a vital aspect of a positive nursing environment during their educational experience. Education Although to deliver patient care it takes a team of people, yet education of healthcare primarily focuses on developing individualShow MoreRelatedRegulatory Agency Briefing Paper : The Joint Commission Essay1437 Words  | 6 Pages Regulatory Agency Briefing Paper: The Joint Commission Ragini Kaur California State University, Northridge Seminar in Health Care Organization Andrew Oppenberg April 27, 2015 Abstract Accreditation provides a competitive advantage in the health care industry and strengthens community confidence in safety of care and treatment. Accredited hospitals provide higher quality of care to patients. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Roles in Literature - 1573 Words
Gender roles play a significant part in all literature. Throughout history men and women have been represented in a variety of different ways. In some tales men and women are equals, while in others men are seen as superior to females. Their roles in the stories have to do with the cultural aspect of the society the story was written during, and when the story is supposed to take place. Examples of the importance of gender roles can be seen in Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Jeremias Gotthelf’s The Black Spider. The role of the sexes is a main theme throughout the both plots. These works were written in two completely different time periods, as such the role of women, meaning what was expected of them, were significantly different. This is a one of the main differences in the pieces. Though they were written during different times both Dracula and The Black Spider were written with strong female characters. Also these female characters undergo a significant change. These cha nges were, predominantly, not for the better. From these works it could be suggested that if women hold independent and strong roles, they are often seen as evil or brought down by temptation. Comparing these two works by looking at both texts it is clear how much time changes the perception of women. This paper will focus on the role of women in both pieces of literature, how they are similar and how they are different. In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the roles given to each gender are extremely important andShow MoreRelatedGender Roles in Childrens Literature2226 Words  | 9 PagesGender Bias in Literature Men Fix ThingsÂ…Girls Have Dolls -Shirley B. Ernst I have thought about many different ways to organize this paper and have come to the conclusion that the best way to approach the topic is on a book-by-book basis. My perceptions of the gender biases in these books vary greatly and I did not want to begin altering my views on each so that they would fit into certain contrived connections. What interests me most in these stories is how the authors utilize certain charactersRead MoreGender Roles Of Women s Literature1661 Words  | 7 Pageswhich gender roles are portrayed in children’s literature significantly contributes to the development of our youth’s understanding of their own gender’s role and how they are perceived by society. It is important for children to understand gender roles because gender roles are an essential cog in the perpetual machine that develops our society, but these cogs have been replaced with newer, more up-to-date cogs over recent years, so to speak. As society has changed, so has the typical role that eachRead MoreEssay Gender Roles in Childrens Literature1876 Words  | 8 Pages| | |Gender Roles in Children’s Literature | | | |Kate Moore | |11/22/2010 Read More Gender Roles In Childrens Literature Essay2194 Words  | 9 PagesGender Bias in Literature nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I have thought about many different ways to organize this paper and have come to the conclusion that the best way to approach the topic is on a book-by-book basis. My perceptions of the gender biases in these books vary greatly and I did not want to begin altering my views on each so that they would fit into certain contrived connections. What interests me most in these stories is how the authors utilize certain character’s within their givenRead MoreGender Roles of Women in Twentieth Century Literature Expressed751 Words  | 4 PagesMarge Piercy is a satirical poem that is about a girl who is intelligent and physically capable, but the characteristic that society places value on is her physical appearance. The poems â€Å"Daystar†and â€Å"Barbie Doll†are both representative of the gender roles and expectations of women in the twentieth century, the time that these poems were published, to be mothers and housewives. In the poem â€Å"Daystar†, it focuses on that women are expected to fulfill their place in society by becoming wives and mothersRead MoreRace And Gender Roles : The Women On The Porch As Southern Gothic Literature893 Words  | 4 PagesRace and gender roles were an ever present issue in the Southern culture and dynamic. After the Civil War, dramatic changes began to take place in the South. Political leaders began to enact Civil Rights amendments, industrialization became more popular, and gender roles were beginning to be indistinct. In Southern literature, the portrayal of female characters evolved along side with the Southern culture. Female characters became more independent, strong-willed, and hardworking. Even African AmericansRead MoreGender As A Man And The Role Of A Woman932 Words  | 4 Pages Many people define gender as the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity. In modern and traditional society, gender is used to teach the â€Å"role of a man and the role of a woman†. The role of gender in adolescent literature dates back to the first kind of literature for children, oral folk tales. On the beaches of Greece, Homer told the tale of Odysseus. A Greek king, who was strong, fearless and wise; whom traveled great lands and fought manyRead MoreGender Roles : Gender Role Play Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesGender role play is the concept of young children partaking in a form of play that already sets them within a specific gender role, for example, a girl pretending to be a mother or a girl partaking in a â€Å"pink-collar†job such as nursing, teaching etc. This form of play can be seen within make-believe play. Though this topic can be tricky to study, due to the fact children in general can be tricky to observe, it is incredibly relevant due to the fact play in general has a huge effect on childrenRead MoreAnalysis Of Alison Lester s 2009-2010 Book Series1312 Words  | 6 Pagesnaturalise ‘traditionally acceptable models of gender’ in contemporary Australian children’s literature. Research background: Since the 1970s, there has been a significant increasing in academic interest surrounding gender in children’s literature. Peter Hunt (2009) argues literature has gained academic focus as society comes to recognise how it can shape it â€Å"in fundamental and long-lasting ways†(15-16). This is particularly true of children’s literature, which Hunt argues functions as an â€Å"introductoryRead MoreCritique. This Critique Seeks To Provide Contextualisation1355 Words  | 6 Pagesgendered representations in children’s literature, and the mechanisms that underpin their construction and reproduction. The key aim is to explore possible shifts within gender representation in children’s literature. Hamilton et al. (2006) argue that although there have been changes, over time, to gender representations, improvements have been mitigated by both the underrepresentation of female characters and a continued tendency to cast girls in â€Å"passive roles, b oys in active ones†(p. 758). It is
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Music in Renaissance Period Essay Example For Students
Music in Renaissance Period Essay Introduction Renaissance, literally, means rebirth; it is an era that began in sasss and ended in 1600 and its school of thought dramatically shifted from religious and mystical ideals to a focus to human interactions. It is worthy and important to understand the changes from the transition of musical period, because they mark and shape the music industry that stands now. For instance, opera was in its infancy when Gigolo Canine (1551-1681) started writing the first opera and now operas can be found in all around the world and in different cultures. There are tremendous aspects to talk bout of the transition from Medieval to Renaissance period, however this essay will only limit itself on the changes in vocal composition, and the historical events that might lead to such changes. Four aspects will be mainly focused on change in style of vocal composition, reasons of increased secular composition, invention of new text types and what the biggest motivation behind all changes. Change in style of vocal composition When talking about the liturgical music from medieval period, one can easily associate to plainchant or more specific Gregorian chant. Gregorian Chant usually ivies us a single and narrow ranged of sacred melody and is perceived as the voice of church in that period. Then, polyphony was evolved around twelfth century. Organ (earliest polyphony) involved of adding a faster melody on top of a plainchant. It is rather easy to identify medieval music from Renaissance music, since Renaissance music is relatively richer and fuller. The texture is mostly polyphonic; however could be also homophobic with successions of chords. The bass register was used for the first time, this allows an expansion of pitch range at the same time usually provides a strong and full accompanies when play with the higher voices. Renaissance choral music study: Jonquils Eave Maria Polyphonic imitation is a technique that best represents the typical style of renaissance vocal composition. The idea is that a short melody is presented by one voice and the other voices imitate the same thing but with delays, thus is similar to an echo of the first melody. This technique of overlapping provides the sense of continuity; and also as all the melodic lines were conceived at the same time instead of being conceived line by line in the renaissance period, the harmonic effect is more ICC and pleasant to hear. One of a great example of polyphonic imitation is the four-voice motet by Joaquin Desired (1440-1521). Being one of the most important composers in the renaissance period, Joaquin pioneered the pervasive imitation (a. K. A polyphonic imitation) as a contrapuntal device. His influence to the Western musical history is well recognized because pervasive imitation has became the ancestor of modern fugue (later in composition. ) Eave Maria Virgo serene (1502) is a work by Joaquin that may best illustrate the technique of pervasion imitation. Eave Maria is a chapel that is choral music in the renaissance period that did not need instrumental accompaniment. Yet, some a chapel used instrument to duplicate the vocal lines in order to support and reinforce the singers if they find it hard to maintain on the right pitches. At the opening pervasion imitation is used, soprano sings the single phrase Eave Maria and each voice sings the same melody in succession. In addition to imitation in different voices, it also occurs between pairs of voices. For instance, soprano and alto come into duet in the phrase Eave, cuss conception, while the two lower voices imitate in succession. In the phrase Virgo serene, all voices sing together creating a feeling to completeness to the first verse. Harlem Renaissance Poetry EssayBallet is a danceable song for several solo voices; also following the ideal of the Camera ballet was mostly homophobic in texture with the melody in the highest voice. Before renaissance, instrumental music were Just accompaniment to vocal sounds. However, during the sixteenth century, more music was specifically written for instruments. Besides organ, harpsichord and clavichord both evolved in the fifteenth century. There was also a more organized grouping for instrument in terms of their volumes. They were two groups, altar capable and bass capable meaning loud and soft ensembles. Altar capable that is the loud ensembles included shams, pipes and even percussion. While bass capable included harp, lute and other plucked string. The secret driving force There was a new ideal that was driving all those changes from medieval to incessant music the Humanism. During the medieval period, music was often a way to seek for a more intimate relationship with God. Yet, the renaissance ideals shifted from God-centric to human-centric, the will and interactions of human were more emphasized. The loss of power of the Catholic Church was originated to the psychological change of Man. Peoples wills were no long being controlled by the authority, instead they were dare to question about the fidelity of the doctrine. The rise of secular music was another sign for the new renaissance ideal. Secular music brought entertainment to the incessant era; people could play secular music in weddings and on the street. This kind of entertainment was fulfilling to people in those times, and people were willing to engage to this activity that made them feel pleasant. Conclusion The transition of the music in medieval period to renaissance period was indeed very spectacular. The literal meaning of the word renaissance best illustrated the state of the music from medieval period rebirth. The change in vocal composition might be the most obvious change of all. The expansion of range, enriched tone color and the use of new technique had brought music to another level; the music in incessant was more challenging but more interesting to play with. Due to the reformation of new churches, and the invention of printing, he amount of secular composition being produced had also increased in this era. New music text types had also been explored; the most important of all madrigal had promoted the growth of opera in later years, ballet and also instrumental music. Yet, among all those change in style of music, or the political adjustments, the most powerful driving force behind the changes was the philosophy of humanism that was floating in the air; the ideals of it had allowed people to emphasize more on human-centered aspects like free will and entertainments.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Uniform education system in Pakistan Essay Example
Uniform education system in Pakistan Paper Shahzatb Qadeer Shaikh (17020011) Raazia Waseem Tuesday, October 15, 2013 The idea of a uniform education system for all is an exercise in futility. It can never happen. So resources should not be wasted on attempting to achieve the impossible. Poverty, terrorism and social and economic insecurity are a few of the numerous problems this country faces, the roots of all of which lie in a more basic issue: illiteracy. To solve the complex, ever-growing problem of illiteracy in Pakistan, numerous measures, including the prospect of a uniform education system, have been suggested. Although the idea of a uniform education system to tackle these problems shows promise because of the sense of unity and equality that it will give the nation and a more balanced educational curriculum it is expected to offer, the high costs relating to the project, the problems of centrally governing a one tier education system and the long period of time that it will take to properly implement the idea nationwide make it an exercise in futility. Broadly speaking there are 3 secondary education systems that exist in Pakistan: the SSC, HSC education system locally termed as the Metric/lntermediate system dministered by the Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education (BISE); the GCE (General Certificate of Education) system that replaces the SSC/HSC with O and A levels, administered by external British Examination Board of Cambridge; and the Maddersah system that is responsible for primarily providing religious education to children at secondary level. We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform education system in Pakistan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform education system in Pakistan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform education system in Pakistan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The education provided by the current SSC/HSC system has become totally outdated and given the pay scale of the average Pakistani citizen not everyone can afford to have their children study in the GCE system. There is need of a more balanced education system that provides up to date education to cater the needs of the modern world along with sufficient importance given to subjects like Urdu and religion which are somehow neglected in the GCE system. But a new uniform education system isnt really the answer to the problem, given sufficient funding and proper supervision the SSC/HSC curriculum can be re-written to modern standards to compete with external alternate examinations like the GCE system. The government can save on the huge costs of setting up the new one tier education ystem and use the capital elsewhere. Apart from that the existing 3 systems somehow create a barrier between the classes, the upper middle and elite class have their children study the GCE system the middle and lower class (those who can afford it) have their children study the Metric/lnter or Maddersah system. The gap between the classes has been deepened by the ever long economic crisis the country faces. A new uniform education system can give the privileged studying in the same schools in the same system will give the nation a sense of unitary direction. Then again it can be argued, education as a whole whether its uniform or systematic, teaches us about equality and unity. However, equality and unity are values which cannot and should not be drilled into young minds. These are the things that are understood and learnt more outside the class than inside, so no real need of a uniform education system exists for the sole purpose of promoting unity and equality. The idea of a single education system would mean that these education systems are replaced with a single centrally governed education system. The first thing to onsider is the new curriculum that has to be written up. A lot of research will be required to write up the new course outlines and the way they are taught. Extensive training for teachers in both rural and urban area will be required . This mean a lot of capital to start up with and continuous funding to keep the project running. Education projects in the early 2000s like the Education Sector Reforms ESR (2001-2003) passed by the Ministry of Education Pakistan were budgeted around Rs. 50-60 Billion, the budget for a project like a uniform education system of such a big cale would have to be even larger. Can a country with a budget deficit exceeding $5million afford such a project? Even if half of the capital that was spent earlier on previous projects is spent now under proper surveillance and without political bias, the existing SSC/HSC system can regain its former validity as a national education system that it had when it was originally introduced. Apart for the large costs attached to the idea of a uniform education system in the country the next big setback is the swarm of administrative problems that the project is deemed to face. The SSC/FSC system started failing to provide quality education to cater local needs in its early years because it was centralized. Although there are regional boards that are responsible for some aspects of education in their own particular districts but the main administrative responsibilities still rest in the hands of the BISE Pakistan. Dawood Shah in a Country report on Decentralization in the Education System of Pakistan stated: It is believed that highly centralized system of education is greatly hampering the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery service at the grass-root level. A decentralized education system can respond more effectively to local needs and will be easier to administer. A common education system being followed by the whole nation would mean a homogeneous standard of education being set wherever the education is being provided. This is a task near impossible because of the lack of trained staff available plus the huge geographical and cultural differences that exist in Pakistan. A uniform education system would not only be ineffective in delivery, it will also be suppressing cultural diversity which needs to be celebrated and built upon. Excessive training and better higher education facilities might solve the problem regarding the lack of trained staff but if a new uniform education has to be kept effective it has to be kept immune from diseases like corruption that mostly work when the system is large and highly centralized. Breaking down the system and giving more authority to the regional education and keep the system effective at every stage. More importantly, changes like these do not happen overnight and the time taken to bring a project into proper nationwide implementation has to be taken into onsideration while taking such a decision. Properly designing a new one tier education system and bringing it into working requires as much time as it does capital. A project of such a large scale could take up a decade to come into reality and keeping Pakistans progress on recent development projects in view it could take well over a decade. However reforms to the existing education system to rid it of errors and improvise the teaching standards requires lesser time and seems more practical as compared to the idea of designing a new one tier education system from scratch. Even if the project is successful people take time in placing their faith in something new. The parents who previously had their children studying the GCE curriculum would be reluctant to have their children study the new education system introduced by government. On the contrary if the SSC/FSC system is corrected and reformed to compete with modern education standards the parents would feel more comfortable in placing their trust in it. Not to forget that the GCE system gained popularity only recently and most of the parents themselves studied the SSC/HSC curriculum for heir secondary education. Although the countrys current situation makes it necessary for the government to rethink its education policies because of the failure of the existing education system to deliver quality education but the idea of a new education system will only be adding to the countrys cost and giving birth to more administrative problems in the already deeply faulted education system. However a series of education reforms to re-new the existing curriculum, re-train the faculty and rid it of flaws like corruption nd invalidity in terms of grading can bring about the same effects that the new single education system is aimed at doing. The solution is basically to rectify the system from the core not to replace it. Citations Dawood Shah, Country Report on Decentralization of Education System of Pakistan: Policies and strategies. Paragraph 3. http://www. aepam. edu. pk/Old/Publications/ Decentralization%20in%20the%20Education%20System%200f%20Pakistan. pdf ESR( Education sector Reforms) budget reference, http://siteresources. worldbank. org/ PAKISTANEXTN/Resources/Pakistan-Development-Forum/EduSectorReforms. pdf
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Free Essays on True Equality
In my opinion, total equality would diminish people’s own individual uniqueness. Causing the world to be at a standing point till the end of time; there would be no way to make any advances in any particular subject. With everyone being the same no one person could be classified with talent, extreme intellects, or great physical appearance. Which in turn could make the world predictable so there will be no excitement for anyone. When you turn on the TV you always hear about the musicians of that time and what is their latest hit. If you enjoy the music you will be happy and eager to hear the new hit and if you are that musician you are excited to inspire so many to follow his or her own dreams. Now imagine that excitement, happiness, and inspiration gone just so we could be ‘equal’. Is it all worth it? So many in this world have immense talent to share with others who enjoy music greatly. If we were all equal, what would be our entertainment? Or is that a sacrifice we have to make just to be ‘equal’? So if a person would be interested in going to the music business, would they be wrong? I, myself, love music and entertainment and look forward to indulging in this art to make me happy. Why would that not be good? A child is sick with a terrible flu but he cannot be cured. There are no doctors or scientist anywhere because then the world would not be ‘equal’. So this child has to suffer just so the world can be something that, so far, doesn’t seem too glorious. And while this child is dying from a virus that can be cured, the world is also stuck in one degree. There can be no advances in technology because who would do it? The world is equal, no one is smarter than anyone else and no one has creative ideas enough to even contemplate this matter of thinking. So here we are with this virus spreading with no cure and no advances in technology, only if we were all equal. As a model walks down the runway, instead of ... Free Essays on True Equality Free Essays on True Equality In my opinion, total equality would diminish people’s own individual uniqueness. Causing the world to be at a standing point till the end of time; there would be no way to make any advances in any particular subject. With everyone being the same no one person could be classified with talent, extreme intellects, or great physical appearance. Which in turn could make the world predictable so there will be no excitement for anyone. When you turn on the TV you always hear about the musicians of that time and what is their latest hit. If you enjoy the music you will be happy and eager to hear the new hit and if you are that musician you are excited to inspire so many to follow his or her own dreams. Now imagine that excitement, happiness, and inspiration gone just so we could be ‘equal’. Is it all worth it? So many in this world have immense talent to share with others who enjoy music greatly. If we were all equal, what would be our entertainment? Or is that a sacrifice we have to make just to be ‘equal’? So if a person would be interested in going to the music business, would they be wrong? I, myself, love music and entertainment and look forward to indulging in this art to make me happy. Why would that not be good? A child is sick with a terrible flu but he cannot be cured. There are no doctors or scientist anywhere because then the world would not be ‘equal’. So this child has to suffer just so the world can be something that, so far, doesn’t seem too glorious. And while this child is dying from a virus that can be cured, the world is also stuck in one degree. There can be no advances in technology because who would do it? The world is equal, no one is smarter than anyone else and no one has creative ideas enough to even contemplate this matter of thinking. So here we are with this virus spreading with no cure and no advances in technology, only if we were all equal. As a model walks down the runway, instead of ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Secondary legal sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Secondary legal sources - Essay Example Based on the evidences collected and being the one representing Samatha Smith on this case, a good defense hence has to be made for her to win and get compensated for the damages she had incurred during the injury process. In the case of Garcia v. Delgado Travel Agency in 2004, the complainant, Garcia lost the case. The case fact involved Garcia slipping on a wet floor as she was entering the office of Delgado Travel Agency. On suing Delgado, her case was dismissed on the grounds that Delgado was not permanently liable for causing the wet floor and the rain that caused the wet floor. In addition, the court ruled that Delgado was not obliged under any law to continuously mob rain water (Garcia v. Delgado Travel Agency, 4 A.D.3d 204, 771 N.Y.S.2d 646 [2004] ). Therefore, due to lack of evidence of Delgado being the cause of the wet floor, it was attributed Garcia falls to be an act of negligence on her part. In the case involving Galietta v. New York Sports Club, the complainant Galietta sued New York Sports Club for injuries sustained after he slipped on a spilled liquid on a staircase. Galietta failed to provide factual evidence as to whether the spilled drink had been there with the knowledge of the management. In addition, it could not be established who actually made the spill hence could not be pinned down on the defendant. Hence due to lack of evidence, the case was dismissed (Galietta v New York Sports Club, 4 AD3d 449 [2004]). In the case between Theodouro v. Aphis Realty Inc., Theodouro was the plaintiff while Alphis Reality Inc. the defendant. Theodouro complained of having slipped and fell while he was on the dance floor and sustained serious injuries. He blamed Alphis for being negligent to the situation whereby dancers and musicians were thrown paper money and flowers. The case was dismissed based on Theodouro involvement in a dangerous activity, something which he should not have blamed the
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Health Promotion - Essay Example Obesity contributes to 2.6 million fatalities globally every year. During 1999 to 2002, 65.1 percent of adults, at least 20 years of age, were considered overweight and 30.4 percent were considered obese. Among children between 6-19 years old, 31.0 percent were regarded as overweight and 16.0 percent were deemed obese (Hedley, Ogden, Johnson, Carroll, Curtin & Flegal, 2004). Obesity significantly decreases life expectancy thus increasing the risk for morbidity and mortality. Also, it considerably increased health care costs in the last two decades (Wang & Dietz, 2002). As stated by Ward-Smith (2010), the U.S economy’s expenditure reached an estimated $117 billion and $61 billion were directed at medical costs. This increased occurrence of obesity is said to be due to urbanization which caused societal changes like frequent consumption of fast-food meals, feasting on oversized portions at home and in restaurants, ingestion of high-calorie foods, like high-fat, low-fiber foods, and increase intake of sweetened beverages (Raj & Kumar, 2010) . Also, developing countries have exponentially grown a habit of television viewing and other sedentary activities (Robinson, 1999). Automobile-oriented and automated environment also promoted a low level of physical activity (Epstein & Saelens, 2000). Aims and Objectives The immediate aim is to lower the rate of weight gain which will be done by maintaining a specified weight appropriate for the age and height of the individual, therefore improving the person’s BMI. The objective is to develop a better quality of life for the people involved. Another objective is to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate involving associated with obesity. Global scope of this project is another objective; if possible, legislative change should be done to fully achieve this goal. Outline of Project and Ethical Considerations The target group of this report is the obese people in the university. The booklet (Appendix A) and leafle ts (Appendix B) used are from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Obesity Action Coalition. The author believes that for change to fully be achieved in a global setting, change has to start first in the immediate surrounding. However, if possible, this may be applied to any obese person to completely achieve the globalization of this initiative. The initial action should be to educate the people about obesity, its causes, the risk of being obese and most importantly how to handle it. What is obesity? Obesity is a disease that it described by having excess body fat. An indicator for this is the Body Mass Index (BMI). This is measured by dividing the person’s weight in kilograms with the height in meters squared. This can also be seen in the BMI Chart (Appendix C). A person with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is classified as overweight. A BMI of 30 above is considered obese. What causes this? 1. Behavior 2. Environment 3. Genetics What is the health risks related to obes ity? 1. Diabetes 2. Gallbladder disease 3. Cardiovascular diseases like Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, etc. 4. Cancers like colon, breast and endometrial cancer 5. Osteoarthritis 6. Respiratory problems like sleep apnea, breathlessness, etc. How to handle obesity? 1. Behavior modification 2. Physical activity 3. Pharmacologic 4. Surgery for the morbidly
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Principles of Cultural Capitalism and the End of Ideology Essay Example for Free
The Principles of Cultural Capitalism and the End of Ideology Essay Cultural Capitalism is capitalism that assesses the advancements not in the quantity of innovations, but in the socio-cultural benefits that the civil society acquires from it, it does not only promote the culture but it also builds on the old and new myths of culture. It plays a role in the coming of a new kind of society which is called the â€Å"post-industrial society†. In Daniel Bell’s (1962) definition of this society which is post-industrial, the focus here will be services, not manufacturing and it must be a society led by information, and because it is the case what will be centralized are industries that bases on science. New technical elites will take its rise and also a new principle of formation of classes will begin. It is also discussed that this kind of society will be of domination and the replacement of the system of the industrialized society. Also in Bell’s view the â€Å"end of ideology†is understood as a point wherein the idea of history and ideology is or will be viewed as unimportant for the reason that capitalism and western democratic politics have already dominated. But the end of ideology should not mean that utopia will also end along with it. Because ideology greatly makes things very simple that it turns out that people will not anymore feel the need to encounter their own difficulties by their own efforts, they will simply consult to the ideologies to solve the confusions for them. These principles when spread by the destructive intensity of belief, ideas will also result to be apocalyptic. And on the other hand utopia tells where one wants to be, how to reach it, and gives justification on who should be paid. It is needed by men now, because men always have need of visualizing their capabilities and a way of combining their knowledge with enthusiasm (Bell, 1962). Reference: Bell, D. (1962). The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties: Free Press.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Effects of Modernity Essay -- essays research papers
The old-traditional way of life has vanished for ever. Today only villages and some small towns remind us of this kind of life, and as time passes, more people choose to abandon traditional way of life, to move to the â€Å"big city†. Modern way of life has nothing in common with the traditional one. Human habits, values, norms have changed. The most important of these social changes can be observed in human relationships, family economy, education, government, health, and religion. To be able to examine these changes, one has to compare traditional and modern way of life. In traditional societies, to begin with, there is a strong fellow-feeling; everybody is considered a friend and is expected to act this way, in case of personal or family crisis. In every-day life one would be happy to lend his neighbour anything he is asked without expecting anything in return. This fellow-feeling does not exist in modern cities, where the general rule taught to city-people when they are still children is: trust no one. The size and density of population, anonymity and high rate of criminality may be responsible for this kind of behaviour. Despite the fact that each city group chooses to behave this way for different reasons, the result will always be the same (Gans: 235-237). In addition to the change in human behaviour towards people outside his family, there is change in family life as well. The extended family providing all means of socialization and economic production, became nuclear, ...
Monday, January 13, 2020
How Does Texting Affect Our Lives Essay
I found myself when writing essays writing how text. I use a lot of shortcuts when writing; Instead of me writing the word†you†I would write â€Å"u†. This affects the way I write tremendously at times. It’s the new technology that’s doing this. My mother has witnessed more than one group of e-mailers go spiraling down into a full blown argument fueled by their thumbs of quickly expressed words of stupidity, when a simple phone call or physical meeting would have resulted in a much more civilized result. People have taken a lot of shortcuts in life through texting. Some can’t live without it. Texting ruins our ability to concentrate on one thing at a time? For example, a personal gripe of mine has to do with people texting while I am trying to tell them something, causing them to look up and say, â€Å"wait, huh? â€Å", and it is all too common. What happens when the ability to drive is hindered? Just ask the parents of one of our graduating seniors last year, who lost his life while texting and driving in his vehicle; unfortunately incidents such as these are not isolated. This is why it is illegal to drive while texting. Talking on the phone while driving is one thing, at least you are looking straight head.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay on Exercise vs Dieting - 1959 Words
Since the turn of the 19th century, exercise has been a major focal point for health gurus all around the world. The health benefits of regular exercise are known universally. Many of which will be explored later through out the paper. However, the early 60’s brought about a new era of personal fitness in a revolutionary way. It supposedly brought about an easier way to get into shape without killing yourself by constantly exercising or wasting time and money in the gym. This was of course the widespread commercialization of dieting. People all around the world began desert their local gyms because of this new, revolutionary way of losing weight and getting into shape. Most people did not realize that it was possible to not only†¦show more content†¦Exercise causes an increased metabolism, which will in turn help you lose weight and burn off pounds of fat. Furthermore, research states, â€Å" Exercise helps create and maintain healthy muscles, joints, and bon es.†â€Å"(†. This is because while exercising, one uses many of the muscles and joints that would not normally be used through out a typical day. By exercising, these body parts such as ligaments and joints are used, so they become stronger. Also as a result of exercise, ligaments and joints become more flexible, decreasing the chance of injury during the day or in sports. Research states that exercise can â€Å" potentially improve flexibility (range of motion of joints)†â€Å"(†. Another great benefit to exercise is it’s amazing benefits to the heart and cardiovascular system. Research shows that exercise greatly increases heart strength. In fact, states, â€Å" Regular exercise helps keep your blood flowing to prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries.†â€Å"(†. This is because the constant blood flowing through the arteries and blood vessels all ows the heart and cardiovascular system to work much more efficiently. By doing so, it also increases the body’s ability to use and consume oxygen. This increases the over all health of the body. Obviously, the heart is a very important muscle; so many consider theShow MoreRelatedCan Dieting Make You Fat?1185 Words  | 5 PagesMany people can’t really associate dieting with gaining weight. The question â€Å"Can dieting make you fat†? The answer that many have a hard time believing or do not clearly understand is YES dieting can in fact cause a person to gain weight. If an individual is on a mission to lose weight there are instructions that one must take in order to be produce successful results. Exercising, medical health check up, taking vitamins, consistency, discipline, and understanding how the human bodyRead MoreAthletes From Different Callings And Sports1232 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent sports. Let’s not dive right into the actual diet, but instead talk about some important facts about dieting first. Exercise alone cannot get you the maximum results that you need to be a successful athlete. 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