Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Principles of Cultural Capitalism and the End of Ideology Essay Example for Free
The Principles of Cultural Capitalism and the End of Ideology Essay Cultural Capitalism is capitalism that assesses the advancements not in the quantity of innovations, but in the socio-cultural benefits that the civil society acquires from it, it does not only promote the culture but it also builds on the old and new myths of culture. It plays a role in the coming of a new kind of society which is called the â€Å"post-industrial society†. In Daniel Bell’s (1962) definition of this society which is post-industrial, the focus here will be services, not manufacturing and it must be a society led by information, and because it is the case what will be centralized are industries that bases on science. New technical elites will take its rise and also a new principle of formation of classes will begin. It is also discussed that this kind of society will be of domination and the replacement of the system of the industrialized society. Also in Bell’s view the â€Å"end of ideology†is understood as a point wherein the idea of history and ideology is or will be viewed as unimportant for the reason that capitalism and western democratic politics have already dominated. But the end of ideology should not mean that utopia will also end along with it. Because ideology greatly makes things very simple that it turns out that people will not anymore feel the need to encounter their own difficulties by their own efforts, they will simply consult to the ideologies to solve the confusions for them. These principles when spread by the destructive intensity of belief, ideas will also result to be apocalyptic. And on the other hand utopia tells where one wants to be, how to reach it, and gives justification on who should be paid. It is needed by men now, because men always have need of visualizing their capabilities and a way of combining their knowledge with enthusiasm (Bell, 1962). Reference: Bell, D. (1962). The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties: Free Press.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Effects of Modernity Essay -- essays research papers
The old-traditional way of life has vanished for ever. Today only villages and some small towns remind us of this kind of life, and as time passes, more people choose to abandon traditional way of life, to move to the â€Å"big city†. Modern way of life has nothing in common with the traditional one. Human habits, values, norms have changed. The most important of these social changes can be observed in human relationships, family economy, education, government, health, and religion. To be able to examine these changes, one has to compare traditional and modern way of life. In traditional societies, to begin with, there is a strong fellow-feeling; everybody is considered a friend and is expected to act this way, in case of personal or family crisis. In every-day life one would be happy to lend his neighbour anything he is asked without expecting anything in return. This fellow-feeling does not exist in modern cities, where the general rule taught to city-people when they are still children is: trust no one. The size and density of population, anonymity and high rate of criminality may be responsible for this kind of behaviour. Despite the fact that each city group chooses to behave this way for different reasons, the result will always be the same (Gans: 235-237). In addition to the change in human behaviour towards people outside his family, there is change in family life as well. The extended family providing all means of socialization and economic production, became nuclear, ...
Monday, January 13, 2020
How Does Texting Affect Our Lives Essay
I found myself when writing essays writing how text. I use a lot of shortcuts when writing; Instead of me writing the word†you†I would write â€Å"u†. This affects the way I write tremendously at times. It’s the new technology that’s doing this. My mother has witnessed more than one group of e-mailers go spiraling down into a full blown argument fueled by their thumbs of quickly expressed words of stupidity, when a simple phone call or physical meeting would have resulted in a much more civilized result. People have taken a lot of shortcuts in life through texting. Some can’t live without it. Texting ruins our ability to concentrate on one thing at a time? For example, a personal gripe of mine has to do with people texting while I am trying to tell them something, causing them to look up and say, â€Å"wait, huh? â€Å", and it is all too common. What happens when the ability to drive is hindered? Just ask the parents of one of our graduating seniors last year, who lost his life while texting and driving in his vehicle; unfortunately incidents such as these are not isolated. This is why it is illegal to drive while texting. Talking on the phone while driving is one thing, at least you are looking straight head.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay on Exercise vs Dieting - 1959 Words
Since the turn of the 19th century, exercise has been a major focal point for health gurus all around the world. The health benefits of regular exercise are known universally. Many of which will be explored later through out the paper. However, the early 60’s brought about a new era of personal fitness in a revolutionary way. It supposedly brought about an easier way to get into shape without killing yourself by constantly exercising or wasting time and money in the gym. This was of course the widespread commercialization of dieting. People all around the world began desert their local gyms because of this new, revolutionary way of losing weight and getting into shape. Most people did not realize that it was possible to not only†¦show more content†¦Exercise causes an increased metabolism, which will in turn help you lose weight and burn off pounds of fat. Furthermore, research states, â€Å" Exercise helps create and maintain healthy muscles, joints, and bon es.†â€Å"(†. This is because while exercising, one uses many of the muscles and joints that would not normally be used through out a typical day. By exercising, these body parts such as ligaments and joints are used, so they become stronger. Also as a result of exercise, ligaments and joints become more flexible, decreasing the chance of injury during the day or in sports. Research states that exercise can â€Å" potentially improve flexibility (range of motion of joints)†â€Å"(†. Another great benefit to exercise is it’s amazing benefits to the heart and cardiovascular system. Research shows that exercise greatly increases heart strength. In fact, states, â€Å" Regular exercise helps keep your blood flowing to prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries.†â€Å"(†. This is because the constant blood flowing through the arteries and blood vessels all ows the heart and cardiovascular system to work much more efficiently. By doing so, it also increases the body’s ability to use and consume oxygen. This increases the over all health of the body. Obviously, the heart is a very important muscle; so many consider theShow MoreRelatedCan Dieting Make You Fat?1185 Words  | 5 PagesMany people can’t really associate dieting with gaining weight. The question â€Å"Can dieting make you fat†? The answer that many have a hard time believing or do not clearly understand is YES dieting can in fact cause a person to gain weight. If an individual is on a mission to lose weight there are instructions that one must take in order to be produce successful results. Exercising, medical health check up, taking vitamins, consistency, discipline, and understanding how the human bodyRead MoreAthletes From Different Callings And Sports1232 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferent sports. Let’s not dive right into the actual diet, but instead talk about some important facts about dieting first. Exercise alone cannot get you the maximum results that you need to be a successful athlete. 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